Third $100,000 winner in Leeds-Grenville

David Mulders of Gananoque, Ont. celebrates his $100,000 win after matching the last six of seven digits on an Encore ticket. The winning draw happened Jan. 29, 2021 and he picked up his winnings last week. (OLG via Newswatch Group)

GANANOQUE – A Gananoque man bought himself a pretty sweet birthday present – a $100,000 lottery ticket.

David Mulders matched the last six of seven Encore numbers on his Jan. 28 Daily Grand draw.

The truck driver says he bought the ticket on his birthday. Mulders says he started playing the lottery regularly about a year and a half ago..

“I checked my ticket while at the gas station and joked with the clerk about checking my losing tickets. The lottery terminal made a weird noise and he told me I was a big winner! The rest of the day I walked around with my head in the clouds!” he shared with lottery officials.

Mulders plans to pay some bills with the money and may be “treating ourselves to a nice dinner and I will share some of this win with my stepchildren.”

He is the third person in Leeds-Grenville to win $100,000 on Encore this year, following another winner in Gananoque and one in Westport.

David Mulders of Gananoque, Ont. celebrates his $100,000 win after matching the last six of seven digits on an Encore ticket. The winning draw happened Jan. 29, 2021 and he picked up his winnings last week. (OLG via Newswatch Group)