Less heat, stormy summer for Leeds-Grenville

In this graphic from The Weather Network, the forecaster is calling for a humid, near-normal summer for Leeds-Grenville. Two weather systems are expected to clash throughout the season, leading to more rain than normal. (The Weather Network via Newswatch Group)

BROCKVILLE – If you were hoping for extreme heat this summer across Leeds-Grenville, you will be disappointed.

The Weather Network is out with its summer forecast today (Monday) and is calling a “humid and changeable” summer but it won’t be like the extreme heat we saw last year.

It says we will “struggle to see consistent warmth” in June and any heat will be late in the season.

“For the summer as a whole, we expect near normal temperatures,” the agency said.

With cooler air settling into Central Canada and a strong Bermuda high off in the Atlantic Ocean, stormy weather is expected for southern Ontario as the two systems clash, bringing above normal rain amounts through the summer.

There is good news heading into the fall as a warmer-than-normal September is expected with some summer heat showing up late in the season.