MALLORYTOWN – Provincial police are imploring people to lock their car and truck doors after a woman had some of her personal belongings stolen at a rest stop.
Leeds County O.P.P. say the woman was only gone for minutes on Monday (Jan. 25) around 2 a.m. at the Mallorytown ONRoute.
When she got back, her laptop, wallet, prescription glasses and identification were gone.
While she believed the car was locked, police said it didn’t look like somebody forced their way in.
“All of these recent thefts from vehicles have had the common factor of the driver/owner leaving their vehicles unlocked and unsecured,” said Leeds County O.P.P. Insp. Jeff Smith.
Here are some tips police are sharing so you don’t become a victim:
- Do not leave valuables such as wallets, cell phones, electronic equipment, gifts, o r packages visible inside the passenger area of your vehicle. Keep these items on your person or secure them in the trunk of your car.
- Always lock and secure the doors and windows of your vehicle, even if you only intend to be away for a short period of time.
- Park in a well-lit area or where there is plenty of pedestrian traffic.
- Install a vehicle alarm system.
- Report any suspicious persons or activity immediately to the police.
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