Here are your latest Brockville and area headlines:
- The ambassador to Canada from Greece will visit Leeds-Grenville on Friday. Warden Nancy Peckford will welcome Konstantina Athanassiadou to start the official visit where they will tour local businesses owned by Greek families. The ambassador will also make stops with officials in Brockville and Leeds and Thousand Islands Township.
- A 31-year-old driver is facing drunk driving related charges after Brockville police conducted a traffic stop on Centennial Road Thursday night. Police say the driver blew a warning on a Breathalyzer which led to a three day licence suspension. But then officers found out he was prohibited from driving. The man was arrested, charged and his vehicle impounded for 45 days.
- Nearly 300 students from four Leeds-Grenville high schools and one from Lanark County have got a first hand look into the construction and electrical trades. They participated in a mobile training lab with St. Lawrence College. The participating schools were Athens District High, Rideau District High, Almonte District High, Brockville Collegiate Institute and North Grenville District High.
- Leeds and Thousand Islands Township has given a noise exemption to Music by the River for a performance in Rockport later this month. The exemption is from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 21 for performances at the Rockport Customs Dock.