BNW Newsbrief – May 4, 2023

In this photo posted Tuesday, May 2, 2023 by Leeds and Thousand Islands Township, recent flooding at the Seeley's Bay Harbour. (Leeds and Thousand Islands Township via Vista Radio)

Here are your latest Brockville and area headlines:

  • The bi-national authority over the St. Lawrence Seaway says Lake Ontario has been rising about 2 centimeters (0.8 inches) a day since the recent rain. The International Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Board says shoreline flooding may happen in “vulnerable areas” of the Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River shoreline. The agency says the levels are expected to stay below the record highs of 2017 and 2019. An update on the situation is expected later today.
  • The process to replace Prescott’s water tower is underway. Town council has agreed to start receiving proposals for the nearly $7 million replacement – around two thirds will be covered by a federal-provincial grant. The existing tower is around 50 years old and is coming to the end of its lifespan.
  • A Johnstown resident is facing fraud charges in relation to government benefits. Grenville County OPP arrested the 28-year-old on April 28 and charged them with fraud over $5,000. Police say they received a complaint about the fraudulent use of government benefits and made the arrest after a “detailed investigation” that took a week and a half.
  • A group of Gananoque students is getting some real world experience in the performing arts. Twenty-four students at Gananoque Intermediate and Secondary School have partnered with Thousand Islands Playhouse to make a theatrical production from scratch. The play – Miss Electricity – will be performed Saturday and the following Saturday (May 13).
  • An Eastern Ontario Home Hardware store owner has been named young retailer of the year. Scott Fines operates building centers in Ingleside and Cornwall as well as an engineering firm that dovetails with their stores. The award was presented to him by the North American Hardware and Paint Association.