As of 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Public Health Ontario reported another 1,184** cases of COVID-19 (VAX: 557 none, 22 partial, 536 full, 69 unknown), bringing the total to 623,497. That’s a 0.2 per cent increase in total cases since Saturday. Of those, 605,358 are resolved (97.1 per cent) and 10,024 people have died (no new deaths since Saturday).
There are 140 people in hospital (~10 per cent of hospitals not reporting weekend bed census), 164 in the ICU and 101 on a ventilator. The number of tests performed is 19,957,932 (31,735 more than Saturday) and results are pending for 11,423.
Ontario has administered 23,976,361 vaccine doses (62,989 more than Saturday), 11,292,723 fully vaccinated.
**Peel (81), Toronto (152), York Region (88) and Ottawa (54) account for 375 of today’s cases.
Most recently available local statistics are published at 6 a.m. every weekday in the Newswatch COVID-19 Digest.