First COVID-19 variant found by LGL District Health Unit

BROCKVILLE – The regional health unit says a first case of a COVID-19 variant within the community has been detected by Public Health Ontario.

In a news release Wednesday, the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit says a “resident of the area has been identified to have screened positive for a variant of concern.”

The actual strain of the virus – whether it’s U.K., Brazilian, South African or something else – won’t be known for a week to two weeks.

Local Medical Officer of Health Dr. Paula Stewart says word of the screened variant of concern “reinforces how important it is to continue following public health guidance very carefully.”

Variants of concern (VOCs) are considered to be much more contagious and more easily passed between people than the regular strain of COVID-19.

The LGL District Health Unit added 12 newly confirmed cases Wednesday to bring the regional total to 883 cases, of which 27 are active – eight more than Tuesday.