I read with interest the Nov. 24 Brockville Recorder & Times coverage of Mayor Roger Haley’s comments regarding the suspension of approvals for the ED-19 Mega Dump.
Referring to the Ministry suspension of an outdated certificate of approval for the sale of a Mega Dump, Mayor Haley opined that “So we may or may not be able to fund Hospitals or Maple View Lodge or whatever”.
As Mayor of Front of Yonge, Mayor Haley is a member of Counties Council and therefore a voice for its constituent membership.
Has Leeds and Grenville really been reduced to becoming a Mega Dump for Eastern Ontario just to provide basic services for its residents?
If Mayor Haley’s only hope of funding critical infrastructure projects in one part of the Counties is by trucking in big city garbage, while poisoning the drinking water and lowering the collective home values in another, we face a serious leadership challenge at the Counties’ table.
If he is truly relying on the prospective sale of a long since stranded asset to care for our sick and house our elderly, perhaps he should cede his seat in the next election to a more competent administrator whose vision extends beyond the reach of his or her own nose.
If, on the other hand, Haley’s intention was simply to smear the good name of a citizen’s group that is concerned about the prospect of Leeds-Grenville becoming the Mega Dump of Eastern Ontario, he should immediately retract his statements and formally apologize to CAD and his constituents.
As MPP Steve Clark asked Counties Council in March of this year, is this the legacy that this Counties Council (and this Mayor) wish to leave for their grandchildren?
Kyle Johnston
Spokesperson, Citizen’s Against the ED-19 Dump (CAD)