Brockville police officer facing seven charges

Second Brockville officer facing disciplinary action

(Newswatch Group/File)

BROCKVILLE – After a nearly five month investigation, Brockville police have laid criminal and Police Services Act charges against one of their own.

An officer – a seven year veteran of the service – is facing one criminal charge of breach of trust, seven counts of discreditable conduct under the Police Services Act and another five counts of neglect of duty under the PSA.

The officer has been suspended from duty with pay since April 2016, pending the outcome of the criminal and Police Act hearings.

Police Chief Scott Fraser said the officer’s name is not being released “based on the nature of the allegations.”

The officer will appear in court Sept. 23, 2016 and for a Police Act hearing on Oct. 21, 2016.

Second officer charged

Meantime, the Brockville Police Service, in conjunction with the O.P.P., are investigating another officer, charged with several counts of assault.

The alleged acts are said to have occurred outside the City of Brockville while the officer – an eight year veteran – was off-duty and happened over several years.

The officer, who is not being named, is on desk duty pending the outcome of legal proceedings.