BROCKVILLE – It’s a chance for Leeds-Grenville residents to have a say on the upcoming Ontario budget.
Local MPP Steve Clark will be holding public consultation meetings later this month across the region, collecting information to share with Finance Minister Charles Sousa.
The four pre-budget consultation meetings will be held at the following locations:
- Jan. 19, 11 a.m. to noon – Gananoque – Emergency Services Building, 340 Herbert Street
- Jan. 19, 2-3 p.m. – Seeleys Bay – Seeleys Bay Retirement Home, 138 Main Street
- Jan. 20, 11 a.m. to noon – Merrickville – town hall, 318 Brock Street West
- Jan. 20, 2-3 p.m. – Spencerville – town hall, 18 Centre Street
While the province’s finance committee is holding hearings in larger centers, Clark felt it was important to have people in Leeds-Grenville give feedback.
“The provincial budget affects everyone in Ontario, not just those who live in urban areas,” stressed Clark.
If you can’t attend one of the meetings, you can make a submission by emailing Clark at info@steveclarkmpp.com.
The Ontario budget is typically delivered in April, shortly after the province’s financial cycle starts on April 1.
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