Person killed on Highway 401 near Brockville

(Newswatch Group/File)

BROCKVILLE – A man has be killed after being struck by a transport truck on Highway 401, west of here.

Leeds County O.P.P. were called around 12:30 a.m. to the area around mile marker 689 (two kilometers east of the County Road 2 interchange) this morning (Aug. 27).

Police had first received a report about a car with its hazard lights on, parked on the shoulder of the freeway.

By the time they got there, they found a man dead in the westbound lanes near the center cement median.

O.P.P. Const. Janice Sawbridge tells Brockville Newswatch they believe the car on the side of the road was the victim’s vehicle.

Officers later found a transport truck at a nearby service center with damage consistent with hitting a pedestrian.

Leeds County O.P.P. said they also received a call earlier about a pedestrian in a live lane of traffic.

The identity of the person has been withheld until relatives are notified.

The section of highway was closed for investigators to finish their work. The westbound lanes from Stewart Boulevard to County Road 2 reopened around 3 a.m.

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